When you think of God do you think of someone up in heaven somewhere?
Do you think that God is watching over you and watching your every move to see what you are doing or what you might do?
Do you think that God will either bless you or turn away from you depending upon your conduct?
Do you pray to a God to do something for you or someone else thinking that perhaps he may move on your behalf? Do you really think you can get God to do something that you think he should do? This is what it means to have a God. You think that God is something that you are not, that is the great lie.
How much fasting and prayer and good works do you think you would need to do to get God to do something?
There is absolutely nothing you can do to make a God move on your behalf. There is no such God. However, when you realize the truth of your being, when you realize that you are Christ and Christ is all there is, you stop begging and pleading to someone outside of yourself for help.
You simply begin to speak words of spirit and life releasing love from your being. Your words are spirit and they are life they can create peace, joy, abundance, or darkness, despair and hopelessness.