Gary....I have been quite moved by this post. Let me explain. You wrote “......these days I do not believe much at all”. Those few words hit me like a bolt of Light...
In my spirit I heard this question, which I would like to pose to this forum: DOES GOD BELIEVE?
This is the time of awakening, and as such the Light not only identifies, but is that which shall destroy that great marching army of 'beliefs' that divide, enemies which having raised themselves up within the 'sleep walking' state of our carnal man to take a stand in battle against our Spiritual Man! Liberty is at the Door, so let us awake with the Armour of Light unto Victory, for Christ is not divided!
This post has caused me to pause and to reexamine the 'beliefs' I have taken on and claimed as 'mine' over nearly my entire lifetime. Looking back as far as I can recall, I can now 'see' that I readily believed what I was told by others who claimed their words to be 'truth', what I was taught by multiple disciplines as 'truth', and what religious doctrines have taught as 'truth'. My carnal understanding clouded “THE TRUTH” in every avenue of my life; including what I have 'believed' about God, what I have 'believed' about Jesus, and what I have 'believed' about myself, family, teachers, friends and neighbors, as well as 'believers' and 'non-believers', traditional and non-traditional, even the world itself. There seemed nothing left to do but wait for the earth to open her mouth and swallow me up.....
But, behold I heard a VOICE within my most inner being, .... and two words were spoken by THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH ....”FOLLOW ME”!
Now, I must let the dead (erroneous beliefs) bury their own dead! If the answer to the question “Does God 'Believe'” is “NO, GOD IS ALL KNOWING'” and we are being raised up to be Christ's express spiritual image and likeness with the indwelling nature (Love) of God as who we are (Temple of God), then perhaps we can see that the time is now to put away all childish things (including erroneous beliefs) in order that maturity swallow up immaturity; that we shall KNOW the TRUTHand The Truth Shall Set Us Free! Christ in YOU, the hope of glory!
-- Edited by A New Song on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 02:15:34 PM
-- Edited by A New Song on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 02:17:09 PM
-- Edited by A New Song on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 02:19:36 PM
-- Edited by A New Song on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 08:53:25 PM
-- Edited by A New Song on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 08:59:00 PM
-- Edited by A New Song on Tuesday 9th of February 2016 09:01:22 PM
Gary...When I read this post I saw it as an 'ice-breaker' if you will, for opening up the forum to discuss this in further depth. This subject is one that surely the Spirit of the Lord has been, is, and will continue to speak to the hearts of many. I could not personally agree more in your suggesting we forget what we have previously 'believed' right up to this very moment; whether such beliefs were instilled by parents, teachers, church, or the world, and seek solely and earnestly for the rising up of the fullness of Christ within us, for it is high time to awake out of sleep!
Many people ask me what I believe. Do I believe the Bible is the word of God? Do I believe that Jesus was a literal man? Do I believe God punishes people? My answer to that these days is that I do not believe much at all. I believed many things for a lot of years until one day I realized that I was not experiencing much of what I believed.
What we need is not a believe system, it is all of our different belief systems that keep us divided from each other and it is our belief that we are humans that keeps us separated from God in our awareness.
Most of what I believed I was told to believe by pastors and religious leaders. However, when I began to hear the voice of my spirit it nullified some of the things written in Scripture. This created quite a struggle within me because all my Christian friends and pastors told me I was being deceived. About 1972 I began to read Joel Goldsmith and Walter Lanyon. I received so much correction and told not to read those kind of books that I hid them in my house.
When I discovered that what I heard in my spirit did not always agree with the written Scriptures I began to disregard Scriptures. However, now I absolutely love the Scriptures because I’ve learned to see them in a totally different light. I no longer read them as literal but as an allegory. Today I see every character in the Bible as my story. The Scriptures basically represent Two men. For instance, Cain represents what is called our carnal man and Able represents our spirit. Isaac represents our spiritual nature and Ishmael represents our carnal nature. By seeking to understand the Scriptures as an allegory we discover that the Bible is really about us it is our story. We discover that all the enemies that need to be destroyed are in our carnal understanding and religious teachings.
If even for a few days, we can just forget what we believe and seek to have a greater awareness of Christ within us we will begin to have a great awakening. If we begin to hear the spirit within us and follow that we will begin to wake up from the dream that we’ve been living in.