For God So Loved the World...
I have given much thought lately to 'believing' verses 'knowing' and if any reading these lines would be able in their hearts to rest quietly while setting aside their 'beliefs' just for a little while, if by any means you should hear anything in this message that speaks to you personally in this regard.
As I was meditating on this subject of 'believing verses knowing', I saw my entire life as being nothing more than an accumulation of 'beliefs'. Have you ever been a collector of antiques, knickknacks , etc? My private "belief" collection was purchased with 70 years of my life, day after day, month after month, and year after year....I believed what I was taught, by parents, teachers, religious systems and doctrines of men, employers, government, wall street and main street. It was easy for me to 'believe' and I was proud I had become such an accomplished 'collector'. My carnal mind was in constant search for the 'next belief' for my 'collection'. I stuffed them, one by one, into the deepest recesses of my heart, my soul and my mind were cluttered to overflowing; my flesh followed after them. Oh, how I coveted them!
One day, I asked the Lord to appraise my lifelong valuable collection of beliefs! The appraised value was found to be $0.00 (zero dollars and zero cents).But Lord, I exclaimed! I have believed about JESUS! Why am I to be found bankrupt in 'believing'? If 'what' I have believed has been 'The Lie", surely I shall die! Who then will save me from this body of death and how?
Praise be to God, I still had precious life! Yes, I had been deceived, like so many of us are when we have believed THE LIE that wraps itself all about, keeping us in bondage as prisoners of death. How could I 'know' Truth? Prov 23:23 Buy The Truth (with my life), and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
Behold....when the Seed of Christ (Spirit of Truth) within you bursts open – a new and living way begins to come forth; a new creation man begins to form, born of the Spirit of Truth which is of GOD! We must leave the beliefs of carnal man, religious Babylon, and of the world, laying down our lives, to become one with The Spirit of Truth, to KNOW Him, Jesus Christ, and see Him as He IS! The Way, The Truth, and The Life! When the Love of Our Father draws us to become joint heirs with Christ; when the Lord Jesus Christ gives Light to the Seed of Christ within, The Spirit of God beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, and joint-heirs with Christ. This is the Eternal Love of God, which according to His own will, purpose, grace, and counsel, was given us IN Christ Jesus before the world began. Let us not fall short by the bondage of carnal believing! We are to KNOW Him, each one coming into the knowledge of the spiritual irrefutable Truth of Christ Jesus as our own!
Make no mistake about it, the Bible is NOT GOD, nor are Pastors, Preachers, Teachers, nor any other number of people and/or positions and titles who have had a huge influence in your life! Only by the Ever abiding Eternal Spirit of God indwelling in you, through Christ Jesus, shall you and I be guided into all Truth and be set FREE from the carnal and religious bondages so many of us have found ourselves in the tombs of; that we might learn righteousness and LIVE! Why have we absolutely REFUSED to lay down what we have 'believed' that we might HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SPEAKS WITHIN and KNOW!
There is a Trumphet sounding in the Land....Pay Heed to How You Hear!
For we, having received the Spirit of adoption as sons, cries out Abba, Father! For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever.
Breaking free from religious bondage is a most wonderful experience. However it can be very frightening at first when you discover that almost everything you have been taught is not true or just part truth.
What will keep us in bondage are our beliefs that we have been taught. Those who are in deep bondage are those who have been in religion for many years. A good example of bondage is the belief that the bible is the word of God. Before you get to upset over this statement consider this. We have Christian scriptures, Muslim scriptures, Mormon scriptures, Hindu scriptures. Buddhist scriptures and the lists go on and on. In those cultures everyone is taught that their scriptures are true. Christians teach that their scriptures are true and all others are false. Then we have all the different denominations and most teach that they have the truth and some of the others are false.
It is a natural thing to believe what we have been taught even if what we are taught is false. The most dangerous belief is that the scriptures are the infallible word of God. To believe this locks you in a mindset that will keep you in a prison that takes a miracle to break.
The folks that believe that the scriptures are infallible will fight for certain things they believe and disregard other things that are in scripture.For instance the Apostle Paul taught for men to have long hair was a shame. 1Cor 11:14 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? Today it is very common for men to have long hair and churches say nothing about it. If the scriptures are infallible why do we not enforce it all instead of forcing other beliefs that we have?
He also taught that women should keep silence in the church. 1 Cor14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. Many churches today have women preachers and most of them will say the scriptures are the word of God yet if that is true they should not be preaching.
If anyone will read scriptures with an open mind they will find many things in scriptures that do not apply today.
I absolutely love the scriptures,but they must be read with an open heart and mind to be taught by the spirit. Many time as I read the scriptures I am told by spirit that what I read does not line up with who I know God to be. To really understand scriptures we need to first of all know the unconditional love of the Father towards his creation.