Jesus was silent when Pilate asked "What is Truth". Truth is beyond the mind to grasp, that is why Jesus remained silent. Everything we post here are all concepts. So our truths can never be true, they may at best be pointers. All concepts belong to the words of man's toy language. Consciousness is the invisible substance of all matter, so we have to go beyond consciousness, beyond the mind, and discover in the silence there is no objective you. Truth is the experience of nothingness that never changes, beyond duality, beyond presence and its absence, illusion is the experience of everything in a constantly changing flux.
The body is also a concept in consciousness, its substance being an illusion, temporal, nothing is experienced in the eternal now, only out of the dead vaults of memory. The body produces a corresponding personal consciousness being matter, composed of formless consciousness, that exists in all states, dreaming, deeps sleep, and wakefulness, it exists in all things, from minerals to man, organic to inorganic.
We live in a world of appearances, and appearances come and go, as they are illusions mirages maintained by consciousness. Few are they who reach the true potential of their humanity and become conscious of consciousness, to know it is the substance of all things and has no individuality, no form of its own. Even our senses are a projection of the mind. and as the mind is just a series of thoughts, it has no existence of its own, whereas consciousness intuits, but once translated by the mind into words, thoughts, concepts they are negated.
All suffering occurs when the mind discriminates from the Tree of knowledge separating itself from others, to cause suffering to another is also to oneself, when you know there is only the ONE of all of US. The mind creates the subject and the object, the thesis and the antithesis, the eternal struggle of differentiation. The beginning of happiness is when we divest this duality of the mind as subject and object, me or you. This latest doctrine of racism only creates a vast chasm between people.
Of course, the solution to the problems of this world depends on our intuition of the real. It is the memory that projects all the images of this world and the struggle involved in this differentiation. We never experience anything in real-time only out of memory, in fact real-time experience does not exist only in illusion. If it did it would be eternally frozen unable to move and observe.The memory throws out the veil between us here, and the world of the real. It cannot stand in the NOW, it must passover from past to future.
The mistake of all world reformers is to blame the objective conditions for unhappiness and suffering and to change those objective conditions like universal wages, etc as if they will change the human condition, that is like building a house on the foundation of straw. Despite our great inventions, our great cultural institutions, it has not yet produced civilized beings. Most of our modern inventions came out of research for weapons of war. Our aircraft carriers look beautiful perhaps a technological masterpiece, but it is still saveragy. We have refined cruelty and slaughter into a science. So we can't seek a resolution through inventions, laws, armies, socialism, capitalism. Truth can never be an object of any endeavor that would be like a dog trying to catch its tail. Who is it that wants TRUTH? It is like the shadow seeking proof of its substance, it is timeless, spaceless, not cognized by our senses or intellect. Any proof provided within the confines and boundaries of this relative existence of this illusion can only be a concept, never the truth. That is why St. Paul said we can do nothing for the Truth only for the Truth in Corinthians. 2 Cor.13:8.Truth just IS, no matter what one says, it can't be violated by words as it is not objective.
All truth is uttered in time and space, yet Truth itself is beyond space and is timeless. To find that Truth which you seek you must first die. Hence the cry of St. Paul "I die daily." 1 Cor.15:31. You have to negate time and space on the Cross to resurrect into Truth. Jesus and St.Paul showed the way. "I AM the Truth, the lIfe and the way" John 14:6 enter through that DOOR the Land of silence, peace, timelessness, spacelessness, and no separation of anything.
When will a politician show us the way out of our human condition of discord? NEVER! There are no votes, no power, no glory, no wealth in that. Enjoy the show but realize your true nature: "my Kingdom is not of this world" Jesus. John 18:36 ‘Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." John 12:24 You have to die to "self" to become the all "The fullness of Him who fills all things." Eph,3:19 "And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it" Matthew 10.38-39.
Duality is a consequence of space and time, measurements. That gives rise to subject and object, the witness and that rise to manifestation and nin manifestation, presence and absence their resolution is like placing a negative film over a positive one. The subject is the object and the object is the subject., the end of discrimination of the mind. The mind veils the non-duality of the True Self of all things. Fear is the main tool of ego, fear of death fear of loss of identity. The collective ego of humanity is Satan, which forms Government and laws that destroy freedom while pretending to fight evil. Any man in Christ is free and fears no man, law, health regulation, and places his trust in the Higher Self not mankind and his new high priests the Scientists. Science is only dealing with illusion, not reality. Did Jesus try and avoid the Cross/death yet so many Christians are obsessed with that, like going to heaven is be put off as much as possible even if one is in nappies and demented...often the consequence of medicine extending peoples lives beyond what nature had in mind. To go home to the Mega Self and no more going out what a blessing but at God's time, not the Medical profession with their huge profits. Of course, this is a discourse, not a teaching, that is a spiritual sounding you can receive or not receive. There is not much love left in this wirkd of fear.
You may have to log in free to brandnewtube on DUCKDUCKGO to access most I=phones have it stopped. Google, Facebook, Twitter are banning anything the Politicians object to. My research is that it will destroy our DNA through the imput of RNA from animals,and mutate it into the image of a beast/zombie...rather than kill our humanity in God's image. In God, we trust not politicians or their paper money r their bught hirelings in Big Pharma and the Medical Professin complicit in their obedience.. The Elohim God of Genesis 1, not Yahweh of Genesis 2. This will all happen in a subtle way, think about it why Generation Z the last letter of the alphabet...what comes after that Z generation that ended with 2015? Heck, I hope this is wrong but what IF????? Can you take the risk of what is your real intuition, and not man's conditioning? The constant barrage from the mass media owned by the billionaires and their Bankers? Will Zion/USA be destroyed, or will some resist with ordained powers? Is the jab the Mark of the Beast that is ncesaasry to buy and sell, to travel around, to have a job? Is not the Mark of the Beast the jab that in time will be the cause of the first plague of ulcers and sores, as the Greek word means both? "Revelation 13:17 (“no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name,”
"The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast" Rev.16:2.
We are all actors on the stage of life, nothing is real, it is just appearances, nothing can hurt those who know who they are. But as Jesus said:"Be wise as serpents." Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod." Do not trust the authorities of Religion or Government. Beware of your money in the Bank. No harm in hedging your bets in this